Marketing Tips & Best Practices

Best way to improve marketing deliverability

Acxiom is here to support you with convenient and helpful information to help you implement direct marketing strategies for expanding market share and increasing ROI.


Can You Really Measure Direct Mail Success?

One of the biggest misconceptions about direct marketing is the belief it’s impossible to measure. After all, how could you possibly know if a postcard is what led someone to your store? Or, if that mobile banner ad is really what drove people to your event? If you believe some experts, they’ll tell you that you can’t.

Best Practices for Writing Direct Marketing Campaigns

You know your customer, you’ve got the list, and it’s segmented for prime response rates. It’s time to do the thing you fear most.
It’s time to put pen to paper and write the direct marketing campaign.

Tips & Tricks to Segmenting Your Marketing Campaign

Ever wonder why telemarketers frustrate you so much? It’s not just because they always call during dinner. It’s because they’re not actually talking to you. They’re reading from a script, the same script they’ve read off countless times before. And you can tell.
Segmenting your marketing campaigns changes this and positions you as the anti-telemarketer!

Cleaning Your Prospect List for Better ROI

If you’ve read our earlier post, you already know that a finely-tuned prospect list is your most powerful marketing asset. And if that’s true, it means keeping that list healthy and up-to-date is a critical "Must Do" for every small business owner.
A clean prospect list holds many benefits for small business owners. It means better, more targeted emails. It means fewer complaints when you’re sending the right message to the right person. And it means better ROI by not wasting dollars on old email addresses or people not as likely to convert. It’s a win-win.

Generating More Revenue From Existing Customers

Everyone has heard the old adage, "It's cheaper to keep an old customer than to find a new one." Well, it's true. It's easier to sell to customers who have already had a positive experience with your brand. But as a smart small business owner, you don't want to wait for them to come back. You want to inspire them to return!

Building Your Company's First Prospect List

Quick! What's your strongest marketing tool?
Your company's website?
Your social media accounts?
Your perfectly-designed email template?

Finding Your Best Customers

You're a business owner. You got into business because you had a passion for what you do and a desire to use your product or service to solve the needs of others. All others. You believe each and every one of your customers is important to your business and that it is your job to serve them.

Best Practices Guides

Your Comprehensive Guide to New Leads & Better Customers
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